Copywriter String example of robots.txt file If so, remove the disallow rule and resubmit the robots.txt file via Google Search Console and the robots.txt tester. Crawler crawl errors Also in this case the Google Search Console can help you. Open the Index Coverage Report and check for any URLs that have an error. website is losing traffic index report google search console Easy Web Marketing Nicola Onida SEO copywriter Example of errors reported in the.

When analyzing the loss of traffic on your

Google Search Console Index Coverage Report Any URLs in the coverage report that have an error associated with them will not be included in the index. That is they cannot be indexed. As a result, they will not be able to appear in SERPs.  Server Belgium Business Fax List errors Redirection errors URLs blocked by robots.txt file URLs tagged with a “noindex” tag 404 errors URLs returning an unauthorized request General crawler crawl errors Learn more about the causes of Google crawler crawl errors here URL being de-indexed Google recently tweeted about a reported “de-indexing” bug that was causing sites to see important pages that appeared to be removed from the index almost overnight. website is losing traffic tweet google bug de-indexing Easy Web Marketing Nicola Onida SEO copywriter.

However this is not just a recent problem

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Finding relevant URLs that are no longer available. In search results can be an important factor when investigating why your website is losing traffic. Again you should check the Index Coverage Report in Search Console to monitor for crawl errors. Using NG Number the URL Inspector tool. Check that important pages are still within the index. If not, use Search Console’s “REQUEST INDEXING” option. Natural losses in SERPs Have you ever thought. That the drop in web traffic is due to a natural predisposition of your market or reference sector in a certain period of the year?  website, take into consideration. The so-called “natural” causes: above all, seasonality. For example, if you do boiler maintenance, online searches are likely to take a hit in the summer.

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